Even so, I'm not one to mourn the passing of age (even as I realize that I'm now closer to 40 than I am to 18...gross) because I think that each new season of life offers advantages that each previous season did not (though there are also negative trade-offs, to be sure). In particular for me, I've always looked a bit older than my age said that I was, and so now that my age and my looks are a bit more similar, I think casting directors will have a better idea of what to do with me as I continue to audition.
Further, I'm happy with where I'm at in my life, and my life will only get more fulfilling come the fall as I start work on my Ph.D. While I don't think that further schooling is an end when it comes to happiness***, I'm actually excited about the work that I will be doing. I say "actually" because, oddly, in the last few months, I had become kind of burnt out on the ideas of deep analysis and art criticism, but in the last few weeks, I've found a couple of great, contemporary writers of long form criticism that have re-sparked my fire and reminded me of why I want to pursue this path.
In short, I feel that I, like Milhouse, can proclaim that everything's coming up Bryan.
*My wife and I were talking about going to see a play tonight as a birthday present, and I realized that she could still qualify for the "Under 30" ticket discounts that some of the theatres in the area use as a ruse to get younger people into the seats, whereas I would, obviously, no longer qualify. I wonder whether I will now enjoy the show 2-3 times as much as that's how much more my ticket will cost. What a difference a day makes, eh?
**I also found out that I'm younger than Kim Kardashian, which makes me profoundly happy for some reason.
***It has become something of a tradition with my friend group to hold roasts for the birthday boys when they turn 30. To paraphrase a line from a friend, "Bryan was recently accepted into a Ph.D. program in theatre, which is pretty great, because if the theatre needs anything right now, it's more doctors."
Photo by Aih.
Happy Birthday!
I loved turning 30. I finally felt like people would take me seriously. I only hope I feel equally excited about turning 40.
Happy Birthday! I turned 30 just about six months ago, and after a momentary freak out, it kind of feels good to be a bona fide adult now.
Happy B-day! Welcome your thirties with open arms -- you might pay more for theater tickets, but think about how much wiser and stately you are than all those young 'uns!
Happy 30th Birthday!!!!! My BF is 32, so I still remember when he turned 30... it's a glorious age! Enjoy it :)
Also congrats on the PHD again!
Belated birthday greetings to you. I hope you had a great one.
You are only as old as you feel. I am 36, and I honestly forget how old I am. I look and feel better now than I did when I was 26.
I think the 30's were way better than the 20's. Hope you find that's the case too!
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